If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us:
We accept payment in advanced only. T/T(Wire Transfer) or FPS (Faster Payment System).
Normally, it only takes 1-2 days after the payment is confirmed.
As soon as your parcel is on the way, you will receive an email from your dedicated sales representative with a tracking number that will enable you to track the parcel
Yes, we accept orders worldwide and ship to over 170 countries at present. For separate countries or regions, suitable shipping options will be recommended.
Note: For remote regions, additional fees will be charged according to express company policy and buyer is liable for any customs taxes or duties
The most important factor in our business is quality. We will not compromise on quality versus cheaper quality but better pricing. We vigorously check and inspect each physical product(device/part) before it reaches our customers’ hands
The party receiving the shipment should conduct an inspection to verify the following conditions:
For significant damage to the product received, please take photos/ record videos and contact us within 7 days of the receipt. NOREPHONE will offer a solution after negotiation with the logistics company.
The product conforms to the purchase order
requirements and other relevant documents (for example, correct model number, description, size, type, color, quantity, etc.). If you have any questions, please contact your dedicated sales representative within 7 days of the receipt.
*Take a photo/record a video of the defective product and contact GIANT TECHNOLOGY sales representative.
*If the online support can not solve the problem and the defective product can meet our warranty return requirements, the customer can initiate an application.
*GIANT TECHNOLOGY After-sales Service Center (info@giant-technology.com) reviews the application and informs the Sales Center of the result.
*With the application approved, GIANT TECHNOLOGY sales representative sends the customer the accurate return address and return list.
*In accordance with GIANT TECHNOLOGY packaging requirements, the customer will have to return the defective product with the return list attached.
*The customer will also have to send the tracking number and the return list in E-file form to *GIANT TECHNOLOGY sales representative (please be noted that this is important and your failure to do this may prolong the after-sales time).
*GIANT TECHNOLOGY After-sales Center tracks the package and arranges the transfer in time.
*GIANT TECHNOLOGY After-sales Center arranges product testing and issues an after-sales inspection report.
*Within 15 days of receiving the after-sales inspection report, the customer negotiates with GIANT TECHNOLOGY sales representative to confirm the after-sales solution.
Giant Technology's sales representative will inform the customer of the correct warranty return address when the application is approved. For the risk of “Return to Sender” package or missing package caused by the wrong address filled-in by the customer, the loss will be borne by the customer.
After-sales Testing Center will take stock of the product received on the basis of the after-sales return list attached. Packages with a return list attached shall be given priority. If no after-sales return list is provided, the actual quantity of products received shall prevail.
Recommended packaging
Electronic devices such as cell phones, LCD screens, and accessories are fragile and must be protected from transport damage. Since separate retail packaging is often not sufficient for adequate protection during transport, NOREPHONE suggests that customers package the returned products in the original package.
how to repackage the product
If the original package is lost or damaged, please repackage the product with layers of foam.
package each item separately and use separation materials
When shipping more than one item in a single package, please package each item separately and separate them with separation materials. This can avoid damage caused by collisions during transportation.
Leave no space
Please fill in the available space in the box to avoid damage caused by shaking during transportation.
Seal the outer box
Please seal the outer box with tape to prevent the box from being damaged by moisture during transportation.
Giant Technology reserves the right to the final interpretation of the Warranty Policy.
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All Rights Reserved。
Provider:Giant Tech